We know sunshine is in short supply in parts of the country, but Coby is really enjoying it while it’s there!

They have really gotten into the reporter vs candidate mode at Chey's Place! Great repartee here!

“Where are da fishies?” asks SonnyBob at Pet’s Garden Blog. “And why don’t they come out to play?” Hmmmm! We’ll have to ponder that a while!

Kismet at Tacjammer is truly enjoying the beautiful gizzy quilt they won in the Cat Friends Helping Friends raffle recently.

Catherapy is explained and demonstrated at This Full House – very completely, indeed. Some purrs and prayers are needed here, folks, so be sure to go by and post some.

K T Cat shows the proper way to greet one’s bean and demand loving attention – well done, K T!!

Gree at the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats is enjoying a wonderful Sunday morning.

Chance is a very happy tuxie kitteh these days – and a poet, too!

Everyone Needs Therapy has a fascinating post about those wild and BIG kittehs – cougars! – who manage to find their way into cities. Scary stuff!

Samantha and Mr. Tigger at Life From a Cat’s Perspective show us what “easy like Sunday morning” really means!

We can find out all about why cats need heroes – and Oscar was a wonderful example of one – at The Poor Mouth.

And we are all captivated by Cece’s variety in facial expressions! Grrrrr! Hmph! WHAT?? Thanks to Mog and iInfidel for posting! These could serve as excellent “story starters” for all you creative writers out there.

Callie at ArtsyCatsy explains thoroughly about the 12 Step Program for Ferals – and with really superb photos, we think!

Uh-oh! Maddie’s not very happy that Ivy has finally decided to love her family. Don’t worry, Maddie. Love is unlimited in the StrangeRanger household.

We can read all about a Cat Rodeo at Texas Oasis – and the photos leave no questions about who’s really in charge!

Chica and Pumukl share some ideas and photos that perfectly demonstrate how life with kittehs can be blissful! We definitely agree!!

In focus or out, these photos of Tiny at sisu are a terrific peek into a cat’s psyche – at dinnertime! And more from sisu – very enlightening and instructive. The photos are fantastic, and the concepts are right on the money, in our opinions.

Sleeping Mommy shares her favorite cat pictures for the week – WELL DONE!!

China Cat and Willow had wonderful time at Gretchen's Tea Party. Be sure you read both posts so you get the whole picture!

And don’t forget a few additional items to pay attention to:
Deb and ML’s auction of some really wonderful items ends tonight at midnight – and will benefit Mom Laura, Lilly Lu, Iris, and Mu Shue, the hero. And there are other ways to help this incredibly brave family of bean and kittehs. Drop on by and make your bids!
Add your emergency info to the CatBlogosphere’s Emergency Contact List. You can read about it and enter your information here.
Next week, May 11th, Carnival of the Cats will be at Bad Kitty Cats. Be sure to check at CatBlogosphere for the submission links.
A little "humor aside" that's good for our understanding these days!

Thanks for dropping by. See you next time!
Thanks for a great carnival, wonderfully done. Don't think Cece gets much sleep, I always catch him yawning.;)
Bravo! Grace, Ruse and Audace your Carnival was fantastic! We loved it!
Your FL furiends,
Oh man...we missed the carnival. Mommy was in bed with a migraine all weekend. BUMMER! It looks like everyone had fun.
Love that last picture!!!!!
Thank you for including my post - Bucky is on the mend and has been renamed by the vet's office as "The Miracle Cat" - so, you see, your purrs worked!
Wonderful carnival! Thank you so much. :-)
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