The Story of Grace

Grace's story has been told best in her recent interview with the FFF crew on Mousebreath!
Here's the central story:

Funny Farmer Felines: Your blog began in May 2006 and the first posts were made by ML (KC’s mom). She was trying to find homes for four kittens and their mother. Two of them were adopted and became Marigold and Brutus of Rose and the Royals, and suddenly the blog changed hands … er, paws, as the three of you (Pete, Foster and Mom Grace) were adopted together. You have new readers who would undoubtedly love to hear the story of how this transpired. And also some faithful readers who have forgotten the details.

Grace: I don’t remember it all, but I do remember having my 4 tiny babies at the Houston SPCA. Mommy ML found out about us through Dr Smith (Houston Cat Hospital doctor), and she called Auntie Deb, who got in her car and raced over to the SPCA to get us all. She took us to her house, and we lived in one of her bathrooms for a while. Auntie Deb said the people at the SPCA were going to send my babies to the bridge because they couldn’t feed themselves. Hello!! Mommacats feed their own babies!!
Anyway, we got rescued, and Auntie Deb and her family were just wonderful. Then she and Mommy ML started our blog. They took pictures of us and created this blog to advertise that we needed forever homes! It seemed to take forever, but when my babies were about 8 weeks old, Mommy ML and Auntie Deb and her two daughters brought me and Pete and Foster to our forever home! And the rest, as they say, is history.

Audace (aka Pete): Grandbean Austen gave my bro and me new names. He watched us play and romp and eat and snooze … and then he came up with Audace for me (because I’m so bold and audacious!) and Ruse for my bro Foster (because he seemed so sly and sneaky!). We like our new names. Our mom remembers how we got here. Ruse and I have no memories of anything before we lived here!

Ruse (aka Foster): Yep, I like the name grandbean Austen gave me, too! But I’m not sneaky … just quieter than my big lard of a brother is!

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