Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy fall!!

Grace was helping figure out what fall decorations we should use and where! She's a great snoopervisor!

She also had to control her sons ... little butt-in-skis that they are!

First Ruse (above) and then Audace (below). They just can't give their mom any peace!

We decided to use the big wreath on the front door and put the other items on the dining and kitchen tables. Grace is so artsy! She really helps make the right choices!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ruse ... relaxed!

You can always tell when a cat trusts you ... he (or she!!) relaxes completely! And isn't that the softest, most snorgleable tummy you ever saw???  =)

Friday, October 05, 2012

We're on Mousebreath!! Woohoo!

We were interviewed by the Funny Farmer Felines and are featured in Mousebreath! This is wonderful! 
Read all about us!! MOUSEBREATH! <~~Click here!

We had a great time remembering things and replying to FFF's questions. We hope you enjoy the interview, too!

Love, Us

Our Cousin, Princess Meow Meow!

Princess Meow Meow thought she had a lizard cornered the other day ... but it was outside the window and she was inside!! Can you spot the lizard between the glass and the outside blind?? 

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Livestrong 2012

In honor of Anne and all cancer survivors ...
and in Memory of Vic and Lilly Lu and all who have gone before us.