Monday, November 26, 2012

Helping a friend

To everyone in the cat-blogging community ~

A friend of ours is facing unexpected medical issues and bills ... and he needs our help, along with our purrs and prayers. If many different people and kittehs help by donating what they can, then it's amazing what obstacles can be overcome!

Kiril, along with his trusty pals Professor Nikita and Miss Elvira, has been hosting most of the Carnival of the Cats collections on Sunday nights for quite a while now, and they do a wonderful job. Have you read them? Each collection is well put together and helps us all get to know our fellow bloggers and kittehs more and better!

Kiril, Nikita, and Elvira are some of the bravest people I know. They pulled up roots and moved to Texas in September, and they are now adjusting to life in the big city. Kiril is learning how to use Metro and is on the job-hunt, while Professor Nikita and Miss Elvira keep the home fires burning!

Here are the links to their blogs:
      Kiril's MUSINGS OF A MAD MACEDONIAN <~~click here
      Nikita and Elvira's MEOWSINGS OF AN OPINIONATED PUSSYCAT  <~~click here

Please go to one or both of these blogs and donate what you can, as often as you can, to help this lovely family cope with their bills. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Here's Audace ... zonked out from all the food and running around!

Here's Ruse, looking for more ...

And here's Grace, getting ready for her after-dinner snooze!!

We sure hope everyone is as stuffed ... AND THANKFUL ... as we are!

Monday, November 19, 2012

More dinner-begging!!

Audace continues to beg for dinner -- starting in about 3:00 each afternoon. 
Dinnertime for them is between 4:30 and 5:00 for these three, but he doesn't care. 
Who knows? Someday all this begging just might work!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Big Mancat Audace

I couldn't resist taking these ... Audace was completely zonked out after running around, chasing the outdoor kitties, after breakfast yesterday!

Big cat!

Big paws!!

Sunday, November 04, 2012