1. Audace's favorite sleeping position -- right above where I sit when watching TV or taking a mid-afternoon nap!
2. Grace's favorite place to keep an eye on everything that's going on. She can see the living room, dining room, entry, and family room from here -- as well as anyone coming into the family room from the hall or the kitchen. Perfect for the keep-control-mommy in her!
3. Ruse's favorite place to watch his mom when she's atop the climbing toy, keeping an eye on everything ...
4. Grace's favorite look to give to either Ruse or Audace when they try to spy on her from below!!
Well, between all those positions around the house, we think you are very secure from any intruders!
Great photos. :) You all look very content in your places. :)
When sumcat is on da top of da cat tree it iz proper to try to displace dem. It duzent alwayz werk, but trying iz fun.
what wonderful pictures! They all look so content!
Oh we know that look! You have some really great places to be on watch. It is an important job- glad to see you take it so seriously!
Lots of good things!
Oh, all those gorgeous ginger kitties! I LOVE gingers!!
The Artsy Catsy ginger
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