It stopped, and I went back to sleep. When I got up around 6 am, I heard nothing, but at the same time, not one of these three li'l goobers was at all interested in the morning meal - and usually Ruse is almost knocking the spoon out of my hand while I put their food on a plate! But this morning ... nothing.
I finally figured it out when I came to turn on the computer. Audace was pawing at something in the corner of this room, and Ruse and Grace were watching - then I saw it - a frog or a toad, pretty good size. It was jumping, jumping, trying to get away from this cat! So I ran to the kitchen to find something to put over it (to capture it); then I ran back and it was in the hallway by then. So I put one of the dry, ceramic cat bowls over it ... and waited.
Bingo! Once the li'l critter was out of sight, all three cats were interested in breakfast!
(My pest control guy, Roy, was already scheduled to come this morning, and I had already told him that there were wasp nests being built in various places, so I'm sure dealing with a little critter like this was no big deal! And yes, Roy saved the frog. He took it out from under the bowl and put it out in the back yard where there are lots of froggy surroundings - wet dirt and mulch!)

UPDATE: Ann at Zoolatry made this wonderful montage of Grace-Audace-Ruse photos to commemorate their frog-hunt - well, it was mainly Audace's frog hunt, but Grace and Ruse snoopervised! Thank you so much, Ann!

Thanks to Deb for the darling frog graphic!!
Hee Hee....LOVE THIS STORY!!! and...the Froggie lived!
what a cute story! did any of you get to taste him at all? even a little lick? having a jumping frog in the house would be like a dream come true for me. I wish I could catch something...anything. I'm a man-cat in training and I want to hunt!
They've done this before - found something and "pointed it out" to me in their own ways! Grace and Ruse stick their noses down on whatever is catching their attention; Audace does, too, but he also paws it and noses it. But they've never eaten any of these things. I should be grateful, I guess.
Wow . . . I really wish a froggie would come in and visit me! Too bad mommy would just take it away . . . sigh.
I had a similar thing happen a few months ago - I had a friend over and we were having some takeaway, and Archie and Chester were not bothering us, which was weird. Then we heard and extremely loud "chattering" sort of noise coming from outside - I went to look and there was a lovely green frog backed into a corner, trying to bluff his way out of the situation. I grabbed both cats and hauled them inside for a few hours. They weren't impressed at ALL.
What a cool story!
Wow, you caught a frog! We've tried and tried to catch them but we've never actually caught one!
Willow and I have never found a froggie in our house but if we did my Lap Lady would be afraid of it! That was nice that your froggie was saved!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
A froggie! Wowser! That is neat-o.
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