We recently celebrated the
second blogversary of Grace & Company, and today we celebrate Grace & Company's second Gotcha Day anniversary. Two years ago today was an exciting day -- when Deb and her daughters drove Grace, Audace, and Ruse to my house ... and we
surprised Austen with the
baby cats! What a
marvelous day!!

And here's a fun video of the "boys" playing with their twine toys and of Grace stalking a frog on our back door window!
Look at how they've grown. Wow.
And I especially love the movie of Momma Grace at the window. That frog must be at the door handle deciding whether or not to enter. Look at Grace's twitching tail.
She is so beautiful, so full and glossy. Nothing at all like the pitiful little thing we saw.
Happy Gotcha Day!
ML and the Sherwood Bunch
Happy Gotcha Day! What a special anniversary! I hope you all get lots of treats and snuggles today!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy, Happy, Happy Gotcha Day Grace, Audace, and Ruse! We hope you get lots of love, skritches and treats today!
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is wonderful that you have a great forever home!
That was a fun video too,you guys are so cute :)
Now,go get some treats and scritches!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh, a very, very Happy Gotcha Day to you, Grace, Audace and Ruse!!
Rocky & staff
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been an adventure, seeing these sweet babies and their momma grow and find their furrever home with u Marilynn! Grace looks so good...one happy little family!
Happy Gotcha day!! And happy belated Blogiversary!
Hello to my sweet babies! Wow, they have gotten so big! Grace is even more beautiful! She was so skinny when I first got her. She was eating four and five cans of Fancy Feast a day! Every time her bowl was empty, I filled it up! Oh what fun we had!!! Thank you for loving my former fosters so much!!! Our blog is dedicated to them today!
Also the anniversary of when I got such a wonderful new friend! Actually, Grace & Company brought me so much happiness and so many new friends! Who could ask for more?
Love, Deb
Happy Great and Grand Gotcha Day... not sure you "gots" the best here... you kits got a good mom and a good mom gots you!
Great gotcha all the way around.
Happy Gotcha Day! We're so glad you were rescued.
Purrs & tail wags.
A furry happy Gotcha day to three furry booteeful kitties...
and Gracie
Gotcha' Days are the very best days!
Have a wonderful celebration!
Happy Gotcha 2 U, Happy Gotcha Day 2 U!! Happy Gotcha Day, Gracie and Boys!! Happy Gotcha Day 2 U!!
Bootsie wants ta let u knoh ifns u can't get dat frogee den u kin borroh hurz.
-Katie Ann Kitty Too.
Grace has been chasing that frog for nights and nights! The frog is attracted to our back door because of all the bugs that are drawn there by the light that they see through the glass. That frog is getting fat, fatter, fattest!! And Grace keeps jumping and clawing.
It's good exercise for her. She has a little tummy she needs to get rid of. So between the frog-chasing and the twine-jumping, I'm hoping to get her svelt figure back!
Enjoy, enjoy. I'll be trying to get more and better videos in the evenings to come.
Happy Gotcha Day!!! what cute photos and we love the video. It just shows what lotsa love can do.
Enjoy your big day and I hope with lots of treats and toys.
Double congratulations then. FAZ
Happy Gotcha Day yall!!! Yall got gotted grate!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Happy Gotcha Day gang - looks like yer havin' some fun!
Um, . . . da last comment wuz from us, not Mommakitty (AKA StudioSusie).
Aaaaaw, Grace and her boys sure did hit the jackpot...
hHappy gotcha day, you three!
Happy Gotcha day to you all. That's a great video. Did you get the frog Grace?
Thanks for sending me purrs. Mum is scared that it's might not be a hairball, but with all the purrs every cat has been sending me, I'm sure to be all right.
Purrs Eric.
Happy Gotcha Day to Grace & Co. from all of us Good Cats (who all have Gotcha Days too).
In fact, Caitie's is tomorrow!
Look at those sweet baby cats all grown up now! Hope you have a very Happy Gotcha Day, indeed!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy Gotcha Day! :) We hope you had a great day! :)
Grace what hunter you are!
Happy happy gotcha day!!!!!
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