Monday, July 20, 2009

Formerly called "Garage Kitty"

We don't call him "Garage Kitty" anymore! Just "Kitty" gets his attention, but his real new name is Grigio -- you know, like the wine!! (First post about this little guy is here.)

He stays mostly inside at Anne's house now, especially in this hot weather, and he and Cabbie get along surprisingly well. We're amazed daily!


meemsnyc said...

That is so great that you two get along!

Reese =^..^= said...

I'm so glad it's working out.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Kitty is looking very handsome. We are glad that he and Cabbie are getting along well.

Rose and the Royals said...

Aww, such a pretty Kitty! I had an awesome formerly feral kitty named Cabbie when I was a's a good name for good kits, and it's great the two have each other now!

Molto Amore...

The Royals

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hello there you handsome kitty! We love your name! We are so happy that you and Cabbie are friends!!!

Love, uSSSSS

Kaz's Cats said...

Kitty is definitely living the good life now. We're glad that he and Cabbie have worked things out, and they're getting on well with each other.


Gypsy & Tasha

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful that there is a name change and an address change too...from the garage to the house! WOWZA! Such a happy event☺

The Island Cats said...

He's so handsome...more deserving of a name like Grigio than Garage Kitty! We're happy things are going well!

Reese =^..^= said...

What a nice looking guy!