Momma Grace is just the bestest mommie cat in tha whole wide world. She loves her babies. Mine Mommy ML says effurrytime she sees her, hers finks of Auntie Deb SPEEDING down Interstate 10 to fetch Momma Grace and her newborn kitties afore they's got sent to tha Rainbow Bridge. And lookie, there's Prince Brutus commenting above, how sweet. I repeats, Momma Grace is just tha bestest mommie cat in tha whole world. And hers haffed purrty babies. Love & Purrs, KC
Love the paw to hold him down! Tasha does that to me (Gypsy) sometimes, 'cos she likes to be thorough (even if she's only my little sister!). Glad to see I'm not the only one...
The photos of Grace cleaning her head are so precious! I just love the amazing stuff these creatures come up with!
Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats. Would you add me to your blog list?
I could really use a mommy cat here this week! Grace is so sweet.
That is so cute!
Hi Mommy!!!
We miss you so, so much!
(Just because you have such a posh, intellectual name now, remember! I knew you back in the day, 'bro!)
I'm being good, Mommy. I see to Marigold's grooming regularly, and I never miss behind her ears...but..::sniff:sniff:: SHE MISSES MY EARS!!
Waiting and hoping the day comes when we see you again!
Your Very Own Tittiy Kittie,
Grace is a very good mum. We bath each other, but if I get a bit wriggly, Eric holds me down with his paw.
Aw,'re such a good mommy!
Momma Grace is just the bestest mommie cat in tha whole wide world.
She loves her babies.
Mine Mommy ML says effurrytime she sees her, hers finks of Auntie Deb SPEEDING down Interstate 10 to fetch Momma Grace and her newborn kitties afore they's got sent to tha Rainbow Bridge.
And lookie, there's Prince Brutus commenting above, how sweet.
I repeats, Momma Grace is just tha bestest mommie cat in tha whole world. And hers haffed purrty babies.
Love & Purrs,
Godiva asserts her mommycat status on Cocoa nearly daily. She actually pins her down to clean her face!
Love the paw to hold him down! Tasha does that to me (Gypsy) sometimes, 'cos she likes to be thorough (even if she's only my little sister!). Glad to see I'm not the only one...
we love the story of their rescue.
Grace is STILL bathing those boys of hers??? Too funny! She is such a wonderful Mother!!!!
I still love ALL my former fosters so much!!!!
Auntie Deb
Ah, yes, one is never too old to get a bath from Momma!
Mom's work is never done!
Momma Grace that is so sweet!
The photos of Grace cleaning her head are so precious! I just love the amazing stuff these creatures come up with!
Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.
Would you add me to your blog list?
Thank you,
Happy World Cat Day!!!!!
love, uSSSSS
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