Sunday, March 23, 2025

All three are together now

After losing Ruse in December 2019, after losing Grace in April 2023, and now after losing Audace in March 2025, all three are together again — in a way. There’s a wonderful place in Conroe, TX, called Fond Memories where a pet’s ashes can be placed in a beautiful wooden box along with a paw print or two.

Here’s a photo of Audace, Grace, and Ruse — together again — on the mantel in my home.


ZOOLATRY said...

So very special, and lovely ... what a wonderful way to remember your little family. Thank you for sharing.

pilch92 said...

Beautiful display with the pawprints. SO sad that they are all gone. XO

catladymac said...

And always together in your heart.

Marilynn said...

Very true. Fortunately, my grandkids and I have umpteen photos from over the years! They really help. =)

Marilynn said...

Yes indeed. And having them with me for their long lives was a blessing, for sure.

Marilynn said...

Thanks, Ann. These help my grandkids and I as we remember the fun and funny things!

meowmeowmans said...

Those are beautiful, Marilynn. Such a nice way remember Grace, Ruse, and Audace, and all the love you shared.

Marilynn said...

Thank you. They all were so precious to me — which I guess is obvious from all the different photos over the years! =)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Together forever and always loved. That is a lovely way to keep them close.

Marilynn said...

Thank you, Jackie. With all the photos and memories and now these lovely items, my family and I can keep all three close to our hearts.